
Improved knowledge of the existing policy and legislative arrangements is critical to reduce industry uncertainty in relation to what, when, how and by whom blue economy activities are possible. Nevertheless, in Australia, we do not completely understand what these arrangements are and where gaps and overlaps among them exist.

By using an innovative approach based on computer-generated graphs, this project will deliver a map of the existing policy and legislative arrangements as they relate to blue economy uses, activities and resources; cross-sector analyses to identify gaps and overlaps that may hinder blue economy activities; and, a searchable online database of such policy and legislative arrangements that will assist industry, researchers and government in their decision-making and planning.


The objectives of this project are to:

  1. Map the existing policy and legislative environment (i.e., policies and legislation and responsible agencies) as they relate to blue economy uses, activities and resources across multiple sectors and jurisdictions.
  2. Undertake cross-sector analyses to identify gaps and overlaps that may hinder the development and operation of blue economy activities with a focus on those relating to integrated seafood and energy production systems.
  3. Develop a searchable online database of the policy and regulatory environment mapped in Objective 1.

Project Team

  • Dr Pedro Fidelman, The University of Queensland
  • Dr Miguel Frohlich, The University of Queensland
  • Prof Brian Head, The University of Queensland
  • Dr Joanna Vince, University of Tasmania
  • Prof Marcus Haward, University of Tasmania
  • Dr David Rissik, BMT
  • Dr Ian Dutton, DPIPWE


12 months