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Total Records Found: 2032, showing 25 per page
Doc IDDocument TitleTypeDocument Sub-typeJurisdictionDepartmentSector
1584 [Further amendments to the] Statutes of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of 5 December 1956, as amended 24 April 1963, 12 April 1973 and 23 April 1979 [ICCROM] [1993] ATS 46 Treaty Amendment - Statute International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Culture and Heritage
1585 Headquarters Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna [1999] ATS 6 Treaty Agreement International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fisheries and Aquaculture
1586 Headquarters Agreement Between The Government Of Australia And The Secretariat To The Agreement On The Conservation Of Albatrosses And Petrels [2008] ATS 19 Treaty Agreement International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Marine and Coastal Planning and Environmental Protection
1587 ILO Convention (No. 112) concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment as Fishermen [1972] ATS 7 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fisheries and Aquaculture
1588 ILO Convention (No. 133) concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (supplementary provisions) [1992] ATS 25 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1589 ILO Convention (No. 137) concerning the Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks [1975] ATS 29 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1590 ILO Convention (No. 15) fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment asTrimmers or Stokers [1935] ATS 16 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1591 ILO Convention (No. 155) concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment [2005] ATS 11 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1592 ILO Convention (No. 16) concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea [1935] ATS 17 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1593 ILO Convention (No. 21) concerning the Simplification of the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ship [1931] ATS 5 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1594 ILO Convention (No. 22) concerning Seamen's Articles of Agreement [1935] ATS 18 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1595 ILO Convention (No. 27) concerning the Marking of the Weight on Heavy Packages Transported by Vessels [1932] ATS 5 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1596 ILO Convention (No. 58) fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (Revised 1936) [1993] ATS 3 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1597 ILO Convention (No. 7) fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea [1935] ATS 14 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1598 ILO Convention (No. 8) concerning Unemployment Indemnity in case of Loss or Foundering of the Ship [1935] ATS 15 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1599 ILO Convention (No. 9) for Establishing Facilities for Finding Employment for Seamen [1925] ATS 11 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1600 ILO Convention (No. 92) concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship [1992] ATS 24 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1601 ILO Convention 162, Asbestos, 1986 [2012] ATS 24 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Marine and Coastal Planning and Environmental Protection
1602 Interim Arrangements concluded by the Governments represented at the United Nations Conference on International Organization [establishing the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations] [1945] ATS 2 Treaty Interim Arrangements International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Miscellaneous
1603 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling [1946] ATS 10 Treaty Agreement International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fisheries and Aquaculture
1604 International Agreement on the Use of INMARSAT Ship Earth Stations within the Territorial Sea and Ports [1993] ATS 42 Treaty Agreement International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1605 International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures [under the auspices of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea [SOLAS] of 1 November 1974] [1998] ATS 30 Treaty International Code - Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1606 International Convention for Safe Containers [1981] ATS 3 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Maritime Transport and Infrastructure
1607 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - [2017] ATS 15 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Marine and Coastal Planning and Environmental Protection
1608 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto - Optional Annex IV [2004] ATS 9 Treaty Convention International Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Marine and Coastal Planning and Environmental Protection